BORTAC members have operated in 28 countries around the world. Since its inception BORTAC has steadily expanded its scope and mission capabilities, and is now a rapid response unit capable of executing both foreign and national level domestic operations. The unit was first formed in 1984 to deal with disturbances occurring within INS detention facilities, but this mission is now handled by ICE, Enforcement & Removal Operations (ERO), Special Response Teams (SRT). After an initial screening process, which includes a strenuous physical fitness test, prospective BORTAC operators are scheduled to attend the next BORTAC Basic Training Session. Qualified BP personnel may volunteer for the unit. The five week BORTAC basic training course is considered one of the most difficult and arduous training courses in civilian law enforcement. But judging from the Elian Gonzales raid vs Ruby Ridge, I'm going to go with BORTAC having better fire discipline. I don't know what the comparison would be to HRT, since I'm not familiar with them. USBP has a pretty decent pistol course to begin with, and a lot of BORTAC does a lot of shooting. Border Patrol agents from an elite tactical unit known as 'BORTAC.History *In a continuation of its crackdown on so-called sanctuary cities and states, the Trump administration is planning to use U.S. *The key to success for such a challenging GUT CHECK as BORTAC is a longer progressive training program - something 12-24 weeks at a minimum with this Strength /. The mission of BORTAC is 'to respond to terrorist threats of all types anywhere in the world in order to protect our nation’s homeland.' *Civilian agencyOperational structureHeadquartersBiggs Army Airfield, Fort Bliss in El Paso, TexasParent agencyU.S.

*Bortac PayBORTACAgency overviewFormed1984Legal personalityGovernmental: Government agencyJurisdictional structureFederal agencyUnited StatesGeneral nature

*Bortac Basic Selection And Training Course BORTAC is the tactical/special response arm of the United States Border Patrol. BORTAC is an initialism for the United States 'Border Patrol Tactical Unit'.